Florida Blue Bird

Eastern Bluebirds: The beauty of the heavens

Eastern Bluebirds

During the summer in eastern North America, a few eastern bluebirds will be perched on telephone wires or perched on top of nests, calling in a shrill call or dropping suddenly to the ground after an insect.

The spectacular birds you see in your binoculars, male Eastern Bluebirds are a brilliant blue on the back and head and a warm reddish-brown on the breast. The bluish-grey in the wings and tail give a beautiful appearance.

Females display a graceful blend of gray hues on their upper body, complemented by wings and tail adorned in shades of blue. Their understated beauty is further enhanced by a subtle touch of orange-brown coloring on the breast

Great facts

The male Eastern Bluebird displays at his nest to attract the female. He brings the nest material into the hole, goes in and out, and flaps his wings in the air while sitting on top of it. It plays a major role in nest building. Only the female Eastern Bluebird builds the nest and lays the eggs.

Eastern bluebirds usually have more than one brood per year. Young born in early nests often leave their parents in summer, but young in later nests usually stay with their parents in winter.

Eastern bluebirds are found in eastern North America and as far south as Nicaragua. Birds that live in the north and west of the range lay more eggs than birds in the east and south.

Eastern bluebirds eat more insects, wild fruits, and berries. Occasionally, eastern bluebirds have also been observed catching and eating large prey such as salamanders, snakes, lizards, and tree frogs.

The oldest recorded eastern bluebird was observed to be at least 10 years, 6 months old. He was arrested in New York in May 1989, and found dead in South Carolina in November 1999.

Birds need safe and comfortable places to build their nests and raise their young. They have two main options: natural burrows and nest boxes. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of habitats and their significance for cavity-nesting bird species like the Eastern Bluebird.


Eastern Bluebirds thrive in open landscapes where trees are present but with minimal undergrowth and sparse ground cover. Their natural habitats likely encompassed diverse environments such as open pine savannas that were frequently subjected to controlled burns, beaver ponds, mature woodlands with an open canopy, and clearings within forests.

In modern times, Eastern Bluebirds have adapted and are commonly found in various locations including pastures, agricultural fields, suburban parks, residential backyards, and even golf courses.

Eastern bluebird

Natural Cavities: Making Do with What’s Available

In nature, suitable nesting sites can be limited, and birds often have to adapt to the existing conditions. Natural cavities, such as tree hollows, offer ready-made homes for birds. However, these cavities may already contain old nest material, which can pose challenges. While some birds may choose to reuse successful natural cavities, others face the risk of ectoparasites, like mites and blowfly larvae, from the remnants of previous nests. This constraint often forces birds, like the Eastern Bluebird, to build their nests on top of the old material if alternative cavities are not available.

Nest Boxes of the Eastern Bluebirds

Nest boxes, on the other hand, offer cavity-nesting bird species a range of choices for nesting sites. These man-made structures simulate natural cavities and can be placed in various locations. While some nest boxes are well-constructed and offer suitable habitats, they are not entirely immune to ectoparasites. The presence of these parasites can deter certain birds from occupying the nest box, adding a new challenge for both the birds and those who provide the boxe

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