Birds Species

Broad-tipped Hermit History and 5 Best Facts

Broad-tipped Hermit

The Broad-tipped Hermit (Anopetia gounellei) is a species of bird hummingbird in the Trochilidae family. It is endemic to Brazil.

Taxonomy and systematics

The broad-tipped hermit was for a time placed in the much larger genus Phythornis. It is now placed in the monotypic genus Anopetia. It has no subspecies.

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The broad-tipped hermit is about 11 to 12.6 cm (4.3 to 5.0 in) long and weighs about 2.6 to 3.4 g (0.092 to 0.12 oz). It is one of the smaller hermit hummingbird varieties. Its upperparts are bronze-green and its underparts are mostly light brown to ochraceous. It has a black “mask” and white supercilium and malar stripe. It is a dark brown throat with an orange border. Its name is derived from its bill, whose maxilla is broad and overlaps the mandible. Its two inner pairs of tail feathers are longer than the others and tipped with white. Unlike some other hermits, male and female bulls have the same curvature.

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Distribution and accommodation

The broad-nosed hermit is found in northeastern Brazil, in an area roughly from Ceará south to western Bahia and northeastern Minas Gerais. It lives mostly in somewhat humid Ketinga landscapes with dense undergrowth of shrubs and trees, but also in more open areas such as the Cerrado. In elevation, it ranges from near sea level to about 1,200 meters (3,900 ft).

Broad-crested hermits are thought to be mostly sedentary, although some small seasonal movements have been observed.

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The broad-tipped hermit is considered a “trapline” feeder, visiting a circuit of flowering plants. It also feeds on nectar from a variety of plants and small arthropods.


The broad-tipped hermit’s nesting season is not fully defined but appears to extend from at least December to February. Some described nests are cups hanging from the underside of a leaf. The clutch size is two eggs. Males have been observed laying eggs. Species can be represented in lex.

A male duck sings perched on a metal pole, neck outstretched and beak open.

Also Read: Sooty-capped Hermit

Songs and calls.

Listen to Broad-tipped Hermit on xeno-canto.

To give voice

The Hermit’s song “See Love” is a rising and falling syllabic series of notes that are repeated continuously.


The IUCN assesses the broad-tipped hermit as Least Concern, although its population size and trends are unknown. It is generally uncommon, although regularly observed…[and] occurs in relatively threatened habitats.

Cool Facts about Broad-tipped Hermit

1. Wings that can beat up to 70 times per second allow these agile flights to hover, fly backward, and travel long distances.

2. A fast metabolism that requires them to consume more than half their body weight in nectar each day and enter a dormant state to conserve energy overnight.

 3. Forked tongues that lap up nectar and tube-like beaks that reach for the nectar of certain flowers.

4. Weighing only a penny, their small size enables easy reach and access to the tube-shaped flowers.

5. The wings have no red color, so they appear golden-green to other birds, not red like the flowers they bloom from. This helps in avoiding ethnic conflicts.