Birds Species

Green-fronted lance-bill History and 5 Best Facts

Green-fronted lance-bill history

The Green-fronted lance-bill(Doryfera ludovicae) is a species of bird hummingbird in the Trochilidae family. Known primarily for its incredibly long bill and “bright” green patch of feathers on its forehead, D. Ludovicae is found in subtropical and tropical moist montane forests and prefers areas with flowing streams. Rivers and streams are also included.


Fairly large hummingbird varieties with a super long straight bill. Pale green color overall with pale green forehead and bronze nape. Female like male but lighter brown below. A forest hummingbird variety is often associated with montane streams. Your best bet for seeing one is to plant a patch of flowers by the river.


Green-fronted lance-bill, as the name implies, are distinguished by the “bright” green patch of feathers on their foreheads. Between males and females, males consistently have a prominent forehead mark, however, the literature is conflicting on the appearance of females. One notable source claims that females can vary widely between individuals, both in terms of feather development and color intensity, from barely visible to indistinguishable from normal male plumage. can go

Both males and females have the same body, regardless of sex, with a brown breast and belly. A copper patch extends below the nape and up the sides of the neck. It resembles a rich green color that occupies most of the crown except for its namesake green forehead patch.

The final feature that distinguishes the Green-fronted lance-bill is its eponymous bill. The bill is unusually long for any hummingbird (ranging from 29 mm to 36.5 mm), is mainly attributed to regional populations, and belongs to the genus Dorifera, which roughly translates to ” “briar”. “.

Distribution and accommodation

It has a disjunct distribution: Talamancan montane forests, Serrania del Darien, and northern Andes. It is not considered migration.

This species of Bird and its sister species, Doryfera johannae, are found in highly developed forested areas adjacent to fast-moving streams. It is theorized that due to the specific needs of the species, it tends to concentrate around ideal locations rather than being evenly dispersed around forested hillsides.


Green-fronted lance-bill
Green-fronted lance-bill

Like many hummingbird varieties, the Green-fronted lance-bill is known for its distinctive bill shape. Each species offering mating with a floral counterpart creates a system where hummingbirds partner with flowers in a particular ecosystem and share essential resources, from food in the form of nectar to hummingbirds. Pollination for flowers. depends on each other for continuous access.

The degree to which a hummingbird adapts to a flower determines how much of its resources (energy expenditure) it must use to collect nectar. When a hummingbird doesn’t match a flower,. That is, handling time increases when the curvature and length of their bill are very different from the corolla of the flower they are collecting from. This discourages hummingbirds from foraging flowers outside of their habitat and allows for an ecosystem resource allocation system.

The nest

During nesting, only the female-fronted green lancebill acts as a nest builder. The location of the nest site is associated with a continuous vertical overhang in which the nest is covered by the surface to which it is attached, i.e., a cliff face where the ridge shelters the nest from rain and other weather conditions.

The nest material is almost always some combination of spider webs, moss, and lichens, with the web acting as an adhesive anchor, tying the nest to the rock or mud face. Occasionally, nests are not found on the rock face but on the interior of the moss growing on and around the rock.

Nests are built along or above freshwater rapids.

Relationship with humans

Nest sites are built away from human development and contact, although studies on the effects of direct human contact are limited and therefore the exact variables leading to negative human trends have not yet been formally identified.

Conservation status

The protection directed by this species of bird is minimal, as is the research around it and similar species, Dorfra Johanna, by the Fronted Lance Bill. However, the Green Fronted Lance Bill has been ranked as a “minimal concern” due to a wide range of populations and speculation of more than 10,000 solid people.

Cool Facts of Green-fronted lance-bill

1. Green-fronted lance-bill, a particularly long and slightly upturned bill, has not been identified as a species partner but would benefit more from flowers with slightly longer corollas of a similar length. There is a twist.

2. The Green-fronted lance-bill feeds on the nectar of epiphytes, including mistletoe.

3. Incubation time is 20-21 days once the young are very altricial, and a nesting period of 29-30 days is required.

4. In body dimensions, size differences between males and females with respect to body length-to-beak ratio have not been identified.

5. Most of the tail and hind face are a uniform green with green, varying under conditions between green, teal, and turquoise.