Birds Species

Little Hermit History and 5 Best Facts

Little Hermit history

The Little Hermit (Phaethornis longuemareus) is a hummingbird endemic to northeastern Venezuela, northern Guyana, Suriname, French Guiana, and Trinidad.

The Little Hermit Hummingbird Varieties (Phaethornis longuemareus) is a small hummingbird found in Central and South America. With an average body length of only 7–8 cm and a weight of 4–5 g, it is one of the smallest hummingbird species in the world. Despite its diminutive size, Little Hermit has several notable features.


A small, mostly warm brown hummingbird Varieties. Note the distinctive curved bill; long, white central tail feathers; And the dark brown throat is found in the understory of swampy forests, including other developments and abandoned plantations, especially in coastal areas.

Nectar foragers visit food sources extensively and are often observed making short, direct flights between them, making a characteristic complaint. At close range, there is often a loud and random noise of wings, like a large bee, as it moves underground. May take a short break to investigate people.

Men sing with low notes. A song is a series of high, slurred notes with a specific pattern. Most similar to the red hermit, but the smaller one is much less rufous, lacks the black breast band, and is generally confined to coastal swamp forests.

Range and habitat

The Little Hermit inhabits tropical lowland forests and woodlands from southern Mexico south to Bolivia and central Brazil. It is found at elevations up to 1200m, mostly in moist evergreen forest areas. This species lives in its range throughout the year.

The Little Hermit prefers forest edges, clearings, and gardens where flowering plants are abundant. It is also often found on riverbanks where it sits on low-hanging branches above the water. The availability of small-flowered plants appears to be an important factor determining the distribution and habitat preferences of the Lesser Goldfinch.

Feeding behavior

The Little Hermit Hummingbird, like all hummingbirds, has a fast metabolism and must consume large amounts of energy in the form of flower nectar and small insects. Its long bill is perfect for probing flowers and extracting nectar.

This species prefers to gather nectar by hovering in front of flowers, but will also perch on small branches and hang upside down to feed. Some favorite food plants include shrubs such as pochit and acacia. The little Sahir runs swiftly among the numerous small flowers scattered on his foraging ground.

The bird supplements its diet with small insects such as flies, mites, and aphids. It catches them in flight or knocks them off plants. Little hermits can sometimes be seen following swarms of army ants, smashing insects that flee from the ants.


The vocal repertoire of The Little Hermit includes various chatter and squawk notes used in social interactions. Its most distinctive sound is the song of the male during the breeding season.

It is a rapid series of 15-30 high-pitched notes played together that become sharper near the end – described as a long trail followed by a sharp tweeter. The latter song is given in flight during courtship displays.

Cool Facts about Little Hermit

1. The Little Hermit’s breeding season runs from March to July in most of its range. 

2. Courtship includes extensive flight displays by the male, diving, and repeated vocalizations in front of females. If accepted, the lady can join her calls.

3. The female builds a small nest of spider silk on a thin branch 1-3 meters above the ground at the base of the plant. It is decorated with patches of lichen on the outside for camouflage. 

4. The female lays only two small white eggs which are incubated for 15-19 days.

5. Both parents feed the young. The nestlings fledge in 18-26 days. Little is known about the lifespan and mortality rates of the species in the wild.

Conservation status

The Little Hermit hummingbird has a very large range, estimated at 1.3 million square kilometers. Its population size is unknown but is considered stable as there is no major threat. For these reasons, the IUCN Red List classifies it as a species of Least Concern.