Birds Species

Buff-tailed Sicklebill: 4 Amazing Facts About

Buff-tailed Sicklebill

The Buff-tailed Sicklebill also known as Eutoxeres condamini is a member of the family Trochilidae. It is an interesting bird that can be found in the lowland and foothill forests of Central and South America. Its plumage has dark green colors across its upper parts, whilst the underparts are more dusky with light gray streaks, along with two splendid turquoise patches on both sides of its throat.

Moreover, this peculiar bird has a tail that is buff-colored with white tips that are big while its bill happens to have a sickle shape characterized by a yellow lower mandible.
These birds range over a large area from Costa Rica southwards to western Colombia, Ecuador northeastern Peru, and northwestern Venezuela. It does best in humid rainforest habitats particularly where there are many Heliconia flowers which it depends on heavily for sustenance.

The species size varies from 13-15 centimeters and males weigh between 10-12.5 grams while females weigh between 8-10 grams thus making it a tiny but easily noticeable bird. The major portion of its food is nectar obtained from various flowers, especially the Heliconias although it occasionally eats insects as well as spiders as extra nourishment.

Cool Facts about Buff-tailed Sicklebill

1. In terms of the length of their body, they have the longest beak of any bird on earth.
2. The sicklebills are known to rely heavily on their long curved bills in order to take fruits and flowers out of reach for other birds.

3. They are one of those few species of birds-of-paradise that are not polygynous meaning that males do not mate with several females as it is usual for these animals.

4. Males Buff-tailed Sicklebill perform an unusual courtship display where they hang upside down from a branch, spreading open their wings.

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