Birds Species

Cinnamon-throated hermit history and 5 Best Facts

Cinnamon-throated hermit history

The Cinnamon-throated hermit (Phaethornis nattereri) is a species of Bird hummingbird in the Trochilidae family. It is found in Bolivia and Brazil.

Taxonomy and systematics

The classification of Cinnamon-throated hermits is random. Marnhau’s hermit is sometimes considered a subspecies of the cinnamon-throated hermit, but currently, major taxonomic systems follow Hinkelmann’s analysis, which determined that it belongs to P. nattereri. Is.

The male has plumage there. However, the “Maranao” hermit occurs only in the isolated northern part of P. nattereri’s range. Because its vocalization seems to differ from other populations, it is identified as P. maranhaoensis. Guarantees. Are molecular studies needed to confirm or refute this assignment? As currently understood, the cinnamon-throated hermit is a species.


This hermit is about 10 cm (3.9 in) long and weighs 2.3 to 3 g (0.08 to 0.11 oz). Males have brown upperparts, green wings, and darker underparts. The inner pair of their tail feathers is long and white-tipped. Both sexes have a yellow supercilium and a black “mask” with a mylar stripe. Females are similar to males but have a lighter throat and a longer central tail feather.

A cinnamon-throated hermit is believed to be seated.


This hermit is a “trapline” feeder like other hermit hummingbirds, visiting a circuit of flowering plants for nectar. It also eats small arthropods.

To sound

Cinnamon-throated hermit
Cinnamon-throated hermit

The song of the cinnamon-throated hermit is “a high-pitched chant repeated continuously without pause between phrases…like ‘tsi…tsi…tsi…nya- ka we’.”

Cool Facts about Cinnamon-throated hermit

1. This hermit is one of the more colorful of its hummingbird relatives, second only to the red-necked and blue-throated hermits.

2. Its genus name, Fethornis, refers to a character based on ancient mythology who was a lamp-holder, referring to hummingbirds “hovering over flowers as if holding a lamp.”

3.  Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backward thanks to special shoulder joints. This allows the cinnamon-throated hermit to access the nectar from all angles.

4. Its long bill with a long, curved corolla is well suited to feeding on rainforest flowers inaccessible to other birds, making the hermit an important pollinator.

5. Individuals consume more than half their body weight in nectar daily and visit hundreds or more flowers daily.


The cinnamon-throated hermit is assessed as Least Concern by the IUCN, although its population size has not been determined and is believed to be declining. Although considered locally common, it is little known and occurs in some protected areas.