Birds Species

Pale-bellied Hermit History and 5 Best Facts

Pale-bellied Hermit

The  Pale-bellied hermitt (Phaethornis anthophilus) is a species of Bird hummingbird in the Trochilidae family. It is found in Colombia, Panama, and Venezuela.


The large, Pale-bellied hermit is found in northern Colombia and western Venezuela. Like many other hermits, the bill is long and curved and the central tail feathers are elongated with white tips. Note the pale eyebrows that contrast with his dark mask. Also, note the white underparts and light green upperparts that are not brightly colored. Fairly common in dry forests, mangroves, and lower levels of plantations. Often seen visiting Heliconia flowers.


The Pale-bellied hermit is about 13 cm (5.1 in) long. Males weigh 4.5 to 5.5 grams (0.16 to 0.19 oz) and females weigh 4 to 5 grams (0.14 to 0.18 oz). This medium-sized hermit has dark green to olive-green upperparts and light gray underparts. The face has a black “mask” with a buffy supercilium and a mostly white throat. The bill of the male is almost straight and the bill of the female is curved. PA is labeled blue-green on hyaline surfaces and blue below. Recommended PA members. Fuscicapillus has smaller wings and bills than other names.

Also Read :Straight-billed hermit

Range and habitat

The Pale-bellied hermit hummingbird has a relatively wide distribution in North and Central South America. Its range extends from Panama in the north to Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and central Brazil. Within this range, the species inhabits tropical lowland forests, forest edges, second-growth scrub, and semi-open areas. In the Andes Mountains, its height is up to 1200 meters above sea level.

The Pale-bellied hermit Hummingbird can be found visiting a hummingbird variety of flowering plants and small trees in its habitat in search of nectar. Some favorite food plants include species of the Rubiaceae, Heliconiaceae, and Bromeliaceae families. The presence of abundant nectar-producing flowers is an important factor in the habitat suitability of this species of bird.

Also Read :Long-billed hermit

Environment and behavior

The Pale-bellied hermit hummingbird Varieties is primarily solitary and territorial. Males occupy feeding territories where they have access to floral resources. They advertise aggressively and defend their territories by chasing intruders. Courtship displays include aerial displays by the male where he flies in wide circles and dives towards the female.

Pale-bellied females build a small cup nest on branches, often near streams or waterfalls. The nest is made of soft plant material such as ground seeds covered with cobwebs. A typical clutch size is two white eggs that the female lays for 15-19 days. The chicks are raised by the female and fledge after about 20-26 days.

Pale-bellied Hermit
Pale-bellied Hermit History and 5 Best Facts

Like most hummingbirds Varieteis, Pale-bellied hermits feed primarily on nectar from flowers. It uses its distinctive long bill to drink from the corolla of tubular flowers. Some favorite flowers include heliconia and various ginger flowers. The Pale-bellied hermit hummingbird also eats small insects that provide an essential source of protein. Aerial insects are caught in flight.

Also Read :Grey-chinned hermit

To sound

The song of the yellow-bellied hermit is not well described. Its calls are “rather piercing, high-pitched notes”.


The IUCN assesses the Pale-bellied hermit as Least Concern, although its population size and trends are unknown. It is locally uncommon throughout most of its range, abundant in some regions, and occurs in several protected areas.

Cool Facts  of Pale-bellied Hermit

1.  Long, specialized bill to access nectar from tubular corolla flowers

2. Ability to hover with rapid wing beats, allowing it to feed while hovering in front of flowers.

3. Forked tail provides maximum wind control and maneuverability.

4. Constant hovering and flying for high metabolism and high heart rate power

5. Ability to enter torpor, a short-term hibernation, to conserve energy overnight