Birds Species

Fiery Topaz History and 5 Best Facts

Fiery Topaz

The male Fiery Topaz sparkles like a jewel as it zips around the canopy of lowland South American forests. This surprisingly large hummingbird – 7.5 inches long, about the size of a long-tailed sylph – has a lime-green gorget (throat patch) with a broad coal-black hood and bright copper-and-orange body. There is plumage. The source is configured. Males also sport a long pair of central rectrices (tail feathers) that cross each other in an X. The more unusual female lacks the long tail feathers and has turquoise and rusty yellow feathers with green wings.

Habits and lifestyle

Little is known about the behavior of these birds, as there have been few observations of them in the wild, but they have been observed feeding and interacting with each other on rocky streams in the foothills of their range. . . . . . . Like other hummingbirds Varieties it nests in small cups above the water. Males are rather territorial and usually chase intruders into flower areas.

Food and feeding

Like all hummingbirds, the fairy topaz subsists primarily on the nectar of flowering plants. It supports nectar from species such as fuchsias, salvias, and verbenas, as well as native plants such as lobelias, pseudobulbs, and passionflowers. The long bill allows it to feed on tubular flowers that many other birds cannot reach. A hummingbird’s wings beat aerobically to power this high-energy lifestyle. Small insects and spiders are also caught in flight to provide essential protein. The fiery topaz hummingbird uses a technique called trap lining, repeatedly visiting favorite nectar plants in a circuit. Woodpeckers are highly territorial, following other hummingbirds to their favorite nectar sources.


Fiery Topaz
Fiery Topaz

During courtship, the male Firey Topaz hummingbird makes a wide dive to impress the female. Once mated, the female builds a small cup nest under the plant for camouflage. It is attached to a thin tree branch, often overhanging the stream. She lays 2 white pea-sized eggs and incubates them for 15-19 days. Chicks hatch with their eyes closed and only pointing downwards. They are fed regurgitated insects and nectar by the female and hatch at 22-25 days of age. The bright plumage of males is not fully developed until their second year. Fiery topaz hummingbirds can produce 2-3 broods per year.


This species of bird migrates downward after breeding to spend the winter at lower altitudes. Northern populations may migrate as far south as Costa Rica for the winter. The time and distances involved in migration are not fully understood but may involve movements of several hundred kilometers between breeding and non-breeding areas. Like ruby-throated hummingbirds in North America, most migrations are nocturnal. More research is needed to clarify migration patterns in firefly hummingbirds.

Fiery Topaz Cool Facts

1.  The Fiery Topaz hummingbird gets its name from the male’s brilliant orange plumage, which shines like a precious topaz gemstone.

2.  Depending on lighting conditions, the feathers can appear anywhere from golden-orange to reddish.

3. To conserve energy, the Fiery Topaz hummingbird lowers its body temperature and metabolic rate to enter a state of torpor at night and on cool days.

4.   Species exhibit “flight feather motility” by replacing all flight feathers at once rather than gradually replacing feathers every 1-2 years. This causes the bird to lose flight for a short period.

5. Males make a dramatic appearance, rapidly climbing and then diving up to 130 feet with a loud sound of their tail feathers.