Birds Species

White-necked Jacobin History and 5 Best Facts

White-necked Jacobin

White-necked Jacobin, majestic hummingbird variety of humid tropical lowlands that favors forest bird edges, scattered trees, and clearings adjacent to flowering shrubs and gardens. Feeds on all surfaces, often in the canopy, hovering with its tail and occasionally opening it to reveal a broad white. Males have dark blue hoods, green upperparts with a white collar (often difficult to see), white underparts, and a mostly white tail. Some females look similar to males while others look very different, with darker undersides and mostly green tails with white tips.

The average length of the white-necked Jacobin is 11-12 cm and weighs about 6-8 grams. As its name suggests, the most prominent feature of this species is the white stripe or streak that runs down the sides of its neck. The upperparts and head are a bright blue-green, while the underparts are bright white. The tail is forked and dark blue-black in color. The long bill is black, slightly curved, and suitable for drinking nectar from flowers.

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Food and diet

Like all hummingbirds, varieties of white-necked Jacobins feed primarily on nectar taken from a variety of bright, fragrant tropical flowers. Some of the favorite food plants include shrubs and small trees such as Anga, Calandra, and Pythcylobium. This species is often found in gardens foraging and foraging for ornamental flowers and plants.

The long, curved beak of the white-necked Jacobin gives it access to nectar from flowers with a variety of shaped and sized corollas.  While feeding, these hummingbirds hover in front of a flower and extend their tongues to lap up the nectar. They also eat some small insects and spiders to get protein and other nutrients.

Reproduction and breeding

The white-necked Jacobin’s breeding season varies across its range, usually coinciding with rainy periods and abundant flowering. Males are polygamous, mating with multiple females. Males display courtship by flying in a U-shaped pattern to impress females.

Females build a small cup-shaped nest of plant fibers and cobwebs, usually 2-15 meters above the ground. The nest is lined with soft vegetation below. The female lays two small white eggs. She incubates the eggs alone for 15 to 19 days until they hatch. The chicks are fed on regurgitated food by the female and fledge in about 20-26 days.

Best Facts about White-necked Jacobin

1. In gardens and open spaces, white-necked Jacobins frequently forage at mid-level, perching on low branches amidst the vegetation.

2. Despite their bright flowers, they can be invisible as they hide in the foliage, emerging to match the flowers.

3. Males are highly territorial, driving other hummingbirds away from their feeding areas. They sing during the breeding season, making repeated clicking sounds with their beaks to attract mates.

4. This species is sometimes seen in mixed flocks of smaller songbirds such as juveniles.

5. benefits from the presence of other birds that drop insects for it to pick. Sleeping at night helps conserve energy reserves.