Birds Species

Streak-throated Hermit History and 5 Best Facts

Streak-throated Hermit

The Streak-throated Hermit (Phaethornis rupurumii), also known as the Rupurumi hermit, is a species of bird hummingbird in the family Trochilidae. It is found in Brazil, Colombia, Guyana and Venezuela.

Physical description

The streak-throated hermit is 10 to 12.1 cm (3.9 to 4.8 in) long and weighs 2.5 to 3 g (0.088 to 0.11 oz). It is generally brownish with a greenish back and brownish-gray underparts. It has a black “mask,” white supercilium and malar stripe, and a very dark brown throat that appears streaky. The sexes are generally alike

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A Streak-throated hummingbird found in northern South America from west to eastern Columbia. Like other hermits, it has a dark mask bordered by buff stripes and a long bill. The faint black lines on its throat and breast help distinguish it from other similar species. These lines are variable, and on adult males, they form an almost solid black spot, but females and young birds may show only a few small spots. Found in a variety of habitats including seasonally flooded rainforests along the Amazon and dry and clearing forests in the highlands. Uncommon to rare throughout most of its range.

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Like all hummingbird varieties, the streak-throated hermit feeds on nectar from flowering plants. It uses its distinctive long bill to drink nectar while hovering in front of flowers. This species prefers flowers with a good amount of nectar that are located under the dark forest floor. Some favorite food plants include heliconia, ginger, and bromeliads. The hermit will aggressively defend flower clusters and feeding areas from other hummingbirds.

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Streak-throated Hermit
Streak-throated Hermit

The streak-throated hermit hummingbird is somewhat solitary and territorial. Males establish feeding territories, usually centered around particularly nectar-producing plants. They chase other hummingbirds that try to feed in their territory, even the extra streak-throated hermit. On the other hand, women do not have fixed territories. They can visit and exploit flowers in a wide area that is dominated by multiple male territories.

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To sound

The song of the Streak-throated Hermit is “a continuous ‘tsi tsi jéb dé tsi tsi jéb dé’ or ‘eesee-eesee-eesee, eesee-eesee-eesee-swur'” usually sung from a perch near the ground…


The IUCN has assessed the Streak-throated hermit as Least Concern, although its population size and trends are unknown. It is little known but appears to be locally common.

Cool Facts of Streak-throated Hermit

1. During the non-breeding season, the streak-throated hermit joins flocks mixed with other hummingbird species.

2. This improves foraging efficiency while maintaining access to preferred floral resources.

3. Although quite aggressive at feeders and flowers, these hermits are generally shy and quiet.

4. They often use a low, low floor, sitting still for long periods.
5. Their green color makes them extremely secretive when stationary.